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Lora Hates Spam

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Currently reading

Tales in Time: The Man Who Walked Home and Other Stories
Peter Crowther, Robert Silverberg, Harlan Ellison, Ray Bradbury, Lewis Padgett, Garry Douglas Kilworth, James Tiptree Jr., Charles de Lint, Spider Robinson, Jack Finney, L. Sprague de Camp, Brian W. Aldiss, H.G. Wells
Progress: 27/284pages
Books of Blood, Vols. 1-3
Clive Barker
Progress: 98/507pages

Moon Over Soho

Moon Over Soho - Ben Aaronovitch

by Ben Aaronovitch


This is the second book in the Rivers of London series and takes our friendly magician/cop into the world of Jazz.


It pretty much stands alone and I get the feeling that all the books will be stand alone adventures, but with overlapping threads. A few tendrils from the first story work into this one but not in a way that would prevent someone from getting the full effect of this one if they read it first.


There was some unexpected sexual content that bordered on the graphic. It caught me by surprise because there was none if the first book. It wasn't quite enough to spoil it though.


Overall, I didn't find this one quite up to the first book's standard, but it was still enjoyable and I'm looking forward to reading more of the series.