by Anthony M. Strong
A student goes scrounging college trash jeeps at the end of term to find treasures the rich kids have thrown away and among them finds an interesting mirror with a carved face and gold leaf. He takes it home and shows it to his nymphomaniac girlfriend when she comes over, who is rather unimpressed.
Some stories you don't have to see the author's name to recognise that it is written by a man. But ignoring that, I like the way the Horror aspect of this started out subtle. Mirror stories are often predictably the same in general and this was no different in that it was found in the way it was and the first inkling that something's going on comes in the form of a sound and a quick glimpse.
However, it did have some original twists and for a short story, it was reasonably good. The end was predictable, but done in a way that showed some skill. Not a bad effort.