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Lora Hates Spam

My rants and reviews

Currently reading

Tales in Time: The Man Who Walked Home and Other Stories
Peter Crowther, Robert Silverberg, Harlan Ellison, Ray Bradbury, Lewis Padgett, Garry Douglas Kilworth, James Tiptree Jr., Charles de Lint, Spider Robinson, Jack Finney, L. Sprague de Camp, Brian W. Aldiss, H.G. Wells
Progress: 27/284pages
Books of Blood, Vols. 1-3
Clive Barker
Progress: 98/507pages

Ghost Story

Ghost Story - Jeff Brackett

by Jeff Brackett


This starts a little clunky as if the author is trying to shovel in too much information quickly, then settles into an even flow by the end of the first chapter. A ghost hunting team is investigating a house reported to be haunted. One of them is a psychic, balanced by the group sceptic. A full team with modern equipment sets up.


By the second chapter, the fun starts. I'm not going to go into what happens because there's a surprise ending and the potential for spoilers is too great, but I will say that lots does happen and I was at the edge of my seat for most of it.


I should add a trigger warning. No animals were hurt in the making of this story. Anything else is fair game. Normally a story like this would have exceeded my own violence tolerance, but the way it flowed just made it work too well. Characters were developed as much as you could expect in a short story but it is mostly action driven. I was scared for the main protagonist all the way to the end, and maybe even beyond.


The author's afterword was interesting as well. It tells the context that the idea for the story came in and mentions a familiar author involved in the same project. That in itself added a whole new dimension to the story.


If you want something to make you jump at every little noise in the house at night, read this one.