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Lora Hates Spam

My rants and reviews

Currently reading

Tales in Time: The Man Who Walked Home and Other Stories
Peter Crowther, Robert Silverberg, Harlan Ellison, Ray Bradbury, Lewis Padgett, Garry Douglas Kilworth, James Tiptree Jr., Charles de Lint, Spider Robinson, Jack Finney, L. Sprague de Camp, Brian W. Aldiss, H.G. Wells
Progress: 27/284pages
Books of Blood, Vols. 1-3
Clive Barker
Progress: 98/507pages


Pines - Blake Crouch

by Blake Crouch


The opening of this story reminds me of the beginning of Nine Princes in Amber, because the Protagonist awakens, lacking memory of who he is, in a forest with light hurting his eyes.


He has no wallet or I.D., he's bruised up severely, and his neck hurts a lot. After some not very clear-headed investigation, he finds out where he is at least, and starts to remember what put him in his current condition.


In the quest to work out who he is, how he got where he is and why he can't contact anyone outside of a small Idaho town, a lot of confusing details work into the story to keep the brain working to make sense of what's going on. Clues to some sort of deception are constant and increase throughout.


There are some edge of your seat action scenes and it's a pretty wild ride. Near the end, just when I was getting worried that loose ends might not be explained until the sequels, things actually fall into place and the reader finally learns what it's all been about. The story kept me reading and left me breathless at times.


If you like mysteries and thrillers, this is recommended. Personally I need a rest!