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Lora Hates Spam

My rants and reviews

Currently reading

Tales in Time: The Man Who Walked Home and Other Stories
Peter Crowther, Robert Silverberg, Harlan Ellison, Ray Bradbury, Lewis Padgett, Garry Douglas Kilworth, James Tiptree Jr., Charles de Lint, Spider Robinson, Jack Finney, L. Sprague de Camp, Brian W. Aldiss, H.G. Wells
Progress: 27/284pages
Books of Blood, Vols. 1-3
Clive Barker
Progress: 98/507pages

Dark Spirits

Dark Spirits: A Man Terrorized by the Supernatural - Stephen Lancaster

by Stephen Lancaster




This is a book relating the ghost hunting experiences of the author, who claims to have witnessed some very bizarre happenings. It starts out relating a story he heard about second hand about a woman who had the ability to predict events, including her own death. She told her son that her husband would remarry in six months and that she would haunt her favorite room for a while, "messing with" the new wife. Apparently she was as good as her word as the new wife experienced a lot of weird phenomena in her kitchen and was never able to complete making a meal.


More stories follow, some of them very bizarre and creepy. I will admit that I looked up the author on YouTube to see if any of the footage he describes in the book was available, but all I found were trailers for movies he is soon to release.


This brought up the question; do I accept the genuineness of his stories at face value, or do I dismiss them as sensationalism preparing the way for commercial films to come? I don't have an answer for that yet, but a clip of the demonic presences found in the attic and under a table at a farmhouse he describes in one of the stories would make me want to see what else he's got enough to watch the films. Trailers with nothing but people talking about what they've seen all seems too 'Blair Witch' for me to accept validity.


All claims aside, the book is well written in a way that makes the stories sound real, so there is entertainment value to be had regardless of belief or the lack thereof. The tone of the writing is convincing and the details are related in a way that makes it all sound plausible, apart from the willingness of the team to go back into haunted places after having extreme physical reactions.


The author explains towards the end that his first book was about the mechanics of what he does, but this one is intended to be about the human experience. In this I think he succeeds. Some things could have used more explanation, like what is involved in a communication session. But overall I think I did get a feel for what he does, though I can't imagine being calm during some of the ghostly or possibly demonic activity like getting throw against the wall or down the stairs. An interesting read.